Saturday, August 31, 2013

Album of the Month: Back to School (Mini Maggit) by Deftones

I'm thinking of things that I must do before attending classes this school term. I just newly invested some cardigans, textbooks, multivitamins and other essentials that I need for this winter season at the college university. While preparing stuff for the learning institute, I was like tuning-in on Deftones' alternative-rap metal album Back to School (Mini Maggit). This is the first time that I hobble on their album. But it was actually introduced to me by my religion teacher in the conservatory, their hit singles were quite catchy and yes, I like it!

And whilst I'm searching on their music video on YouTube, I was fastened by one of the commenters named PrimalFactory777 on the video hosting service.

"This song is magic. I was the total opposite at the time. I was the bully, the big 6"3 guy who pushes around "nerds" and "losers". Now I realize how much of a failure I was back then and the way Iused to see the world was biased and wrong. This song definitely means a lot to me in a different way that it means to you.
It probably reminds you how hard I was. For me too. But we have different stories about the same era, the same situation. I love this song and Deftones as well.
I am sorry."

I'm just quite different from PrimalFactory777; I was belittled, demeaned and humiliated when I was in High School. Perhaps, I'm really kind to the fellow students who mortified me in front of many people. Constant fatigue, sleeplessness, and high level of anxiety are some of causes that injure my health, and this painful reminiscences is making me ill right now.

So, going back to the album, I find their other tracks really good such as the "Nosebleed," "Teething," and "Feiticeira." Of course, I will recommend the band on my other cliques. :) My entry is getting longer now…. Ciao!

First College Day High

As school is about to start in a few days, incoming college students are in rushing and doing their last minute preparations - moving to the dorm, saying goodbye to their room and pets and yes, even their tutor who weathered with them through high school, packing and unpacking their stuff, checking out their future college's website,  and of course, preparing their bodies and minds for a new phase in their young lives.  For some, college has started and the reactions are all but funny. This girl seemed to have really adapted a positive attitude- really positive that it looks a little creepy.

Adorkable Pre-school ID Photo

Our parents are the first ones to get excited and terrified during our very first day in school. This boy's mom was so anxious-excited that she took the time and money and tagged her son along to the barber shop and have his son that might cause him to be the subject of teasing at school. I guess she is just maximizing the phase where her child adores her unconditionally. The child is not the only who needs tutoring in the future, but his mom as well, that is on how to not make your son look like a dork in school.