You simply must continue to be extremely organized and not be fully overworked yet accomplished nothing because of so many things. Your main concentration will probably be on studying. But yes, I know what's on your mind, coz' fun is a brilliant idea too. However, let's just keep continue to give emphasis on studying.
I have collected the most effective number of the items you will need to be comfy in your brand new room. Not to mention those things you absolutely don't want to forget about. However, your ultimate goal in relocating your stuff in a day is to simply get your items into your room and arrange it. Then you can certainly permit the celebrations... or rather, studying get started.
- Closet (Hangers, Shoe Rack, Plastic Bins / Containers)
- Desk Supplies (Pens / Pencils / Highlighter, Printer, DVD's, Rims of Coupon Bonds)
- Beddings (Mattress pad, Blanket, Pillows, Footlocker or College Trunk, Alarm Clock)
- Bath and Beyonds (Toiletries, Towels, Face Clothes, Shower Caps, Toilet Paper)
- Miscellaneous Supplies (Cleaning Supplies, Air Freshener, Laundry Detergent, Fabric Conditioner, Laundry Bag, Dinnerware, Decorative Items, Tool Kit, Medicines Kits, Secure Lock Box)
Did I miss anything important?
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